This page will be devoted to comments, postings, and analysis of the upcoming presidential election.  President Obama and Mitt Romney will face off in November in a regular interval of democratic expression called an election.  It is instructive to look at previous elections, and specifically how the electoral college's unique qualities may benefit one candidate or another.  Also, this year is marked by a a strenuous effort by some to reduce the number of potential voters under the guise of voter fraud.  It is helpful to explore data from centers of study devoted to this issue.  

Click Here for Dan Rather's October 16, 2012 Interview with Palo Alto High School's David Rapaport. He discusses the upcoming election, Ohio, voter suppression, the early Obama presidency, the JFK assassination, and corporate influence into media newsrooms, in other words, how the public can become an informed citizenry when the corporate bottom line takes importance over the public interest.





As preparations are made for the 2012 election, a concerted effort has been underway resulting in 37 state legislatures enacting restrictive voter identification laws.  There are no data to warrant such an effort to re-write state laws. An investigative reporting project has found as few as 10 legitimate cases of voter fraud since 2000.


The article to the right was published by the Washington Post on August 13, 2012. 











Brennan Center For Justice at New York University School of Law - Truths on Voter Fraud

The Brennan Center believes that 500,000 Americans could struggle to obtain voter ID to vote in the 2012 election.  
Here is a link to their report.

Brennan Center Report

